Does your business accept credit cards? Do you need it to? In order to open your Sydney area small business up to the enhanced profit potential that accepting credit cards can provide, you'll need to understand what responsibilities you take on by accepting these forms of payment. Small businesses are prime targets for data plunderers. If you don't protect against these thieves, you may be subject to paying restitution, fines, or lose the ability to accept cards as payment.
Microsoft has announced that as of April 8, 2014 support will no longer be available for for their popular Operating System, Windows XP. The world's biggest software manufacturer has supported the software for 12 years, even though they have released three major OS's since; Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1. Users that are still using XP will want to upgrade their workstations to one of the newer versions as soon as they can to avoid the many detrimental circumstances that are often associated with running non-supported legacy software.
Cloud computing is managed, shared applications, development platforms, or computing infrastructure accessible via the internet. It provides options such as bandwidth and on-demand computing power with flexible capabilities normally purchased as a metered service.